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The Shack Inside (SS 23)

The cooperation project was the construction of a temporary corrugated iron hut in the temporary park at Aachener Büchel, which served as an innovation laboratory and exhibition space and enabled a change of perspective on the living environments of the Cape Town townships. The focus is primarily on the living situations in the informal settlements, which are characterised by the simplest hut accommodation and the lack of supply infrastructure. 

The project was supported by 12 students from RWTH Aachen University. In an LA teaching project, they developed ideas and applicable solutions that make life in a shack (corrugated iron hut) easier, such as multifunctional supply and furnishing modules to optimise the use of the limited interior space. This resulted in 4 hacks (simple tricks to improve the living situation): Floor covering made from plastic lids; solar shower; space-saving furniture system; shelving as a room divider.

The results were exhibited as 1:1 models in “The Shack” and published as instructions on the website to reach people in similar life situations worldwide.

You can watch a documentary film about this project on our YouTube-channel (unfortunately mostly in German):